Increasing The Efficiency of Your Business With CPQ Software

Software is like a promise that brings effectiveness to your business. It lets you achieve what you desire and dream of. The stats provided by the software are impeccable that help you bring measurable results.

In today’s era, one thing that has the utmost importance is time. You can put in your maximum effort but won’t reach your destination easily. Technology eases your efforts and ensures you reach your destination in time.

When it comes to CPQ–configure price quote software, leads you straight to the desired result. There are certain possibilities that sometimes you don’t get your hands on the project. And you begin doing everything again, which consumes your time. The software eliminates this scenario and keeps you ready all the time whenever you need to submit another quote.

Steps Involved in Manual Price Quoting

Preliminary Price Estimation

A preliminary estimate is a kind of drafted estimate. You get a rough idea of how much a project will cost. The estimation depends on your previous data and the limited information you have in the beginning. The data can be provided to you by your potential clients in brief, and your previous data can be sourced from your old project. Your client may provide you only brief data as they will be expecting multiple quotes from different vendors.

Detailed Price Estimation

Detailed estimation comes after preliminary estimation. You have all the stats you need to get an idea of how this project will go. Whether there should be a need for advanced financial support or not. You will observe the quantities, costs, rates, and more in a detailed estimation. You’ll have better conversations with your clients and understand their needs accordingly.

Quantity Price Estimation

The estimation of material is very important for any project. The profit that can be generated from a project relies on the quantity. Whether you are in the manufacturing business or construction business, or any other business, quantity measurement lets you quote a price that can let you win a client and generate maximum profit. Your object is to provide the client with the best services and earn profit simultaneously.

Bidding Price Estimation

A bid estimate is done in hopes that you will secure a client. You have already gone through multiple estimations at this stage, and now you desire to get what you deserve. Indeed, you have to outbid your competition, and your quote should also be meaningful to you and your potential client. All the research done before bidding is necessary so you can have estimated data on whether you should bid for this project or not. If you bid without considering all the factors, you might be wasting your time.

Eliminating manual quoting with CPQ software

The software will eliminate all the steps involved–mentioned earlier–and generate more accurate results that help you win new clients. You will put the required data in the CPQ software, and it will analyze it and make all possible changes and improvements to make sure that we get the projects in our hands. Even if you don’t secure the client, the software will keep the data and next time analyze it better. And if more data is required, it will demand it. Quick Devis estimating and price analysis brings impeccable results helping your organization meet its goal consistently.


You will achieve better every day with the help of technology. The software can make a lot of things easy for you. It brings changes that are required to accelerate your business growth. This change will outweigh your competitors putting you in the top spot in your field of business. QDV will help you get these desired outcomes. Get in touch with Quick Devis today.